If you are born between May 21 and June 21, then you fall under the Gemini sun sign. It is an air sign that has the image of twins as its symbol. Gemini is a sign of duality. Those born under this sign are not likely to enjoy uniformity. Some call them ‘split personalities’, but this symbol just represents their ability to see both sides of a situation or issue.  Now we say that’s perfect if you want to decorate your home.

A little interesting piece of trivia – many geniuses such as Marilyn Monroe, John F Kennedy, Morgan Freeman and Lauryn Hill are born under this sign.

What Do Geminis Like?

Geminis are excellent communicators. They love nothing more than a good chat and are known to be social butterflies who make very interesting friends.

So, for that area to be perfect pick a big and comfortable couch and also a lot of armchairs or cute chairs and a round table for society games or drinks. Also, they love spacious dining spaces where they can entertain their family and friends.

Geminis are well suited to an eclectic style. Given their love for duality, they like to mix the old and new, East and West, and the luxurious with down-to-earth elements. Its a fascinating mix of styles and no one does it better than them.

The need for stimulation means Geminis are often attracted to patterns and may enjoy seeing these around their home. People born under this sign find pattern mentally stimulating as they reflect their vibrant personalities, especially strong clear patterns.

Colours Of The Zodiac

Your favourite colour will definitely be blue. ‘All blue everything.’ Is the mantra for most Geminis. Blue curtains, bedsheets, desk accessories and walls, which emanate the calm and cool vibrations of this shade, are likely to engender feelings of peace in you.

Shades of yellow and green are also believed to be beneficial for you and you can use these hues in your living space, on the walls or household accessories.

Our Suzani cushions paired with Khiva Turquoise Ikat cushion and  Pondicherry cushion will look spectacular together. If you are looking for a gift for a Gemini, they will just love these put together.

You can choose between the Calico Quilted Bedspread and sham set or the Japanese inspired Yakimo Quilt and Sham Set to add that calm and tranquillity we all need in the bedroom to relax and just be.

Avoid colours like much of red and orange in your home décor. So these are a no-no for their homes.

Surround yourself with your zodiac colours and feel the energy flow!